Thursday, 29 August 2013

Dirty Talkin' Edward Contest - The Results

We asked for your words, and man, did you ever give them to us!!
Big thanks to our secret keeper, TwiSnFan, and to our judges Twilover76, MariahjilE, CarrieZM, Jiff Simpson, and Agrutle. Props to our validators, MazzyStarla, SixDlb5, Alliz, and MizzezPattinson.
Thank you to our blinkie maker, the clever Rose Arcadia, and our talented banner maker evilnat.Thank you so much to everybody who read the stories and left the authors sweet words of encouragement, while they await the results. We know the authors are dying to share their stories on their profiles, so here are the results!

Overall Judges’ Choice
First Place

Channel Five
by Planetblue

Overall Judges' Choice
Second Place

Good in the Stacks
by TheFicChick

Best Dirty Talkin' Edward

Channel Five
by Planetblue

Battery Replacement Award
Hottest Overall Story

Channel Five
by Planetblue

Best Secondary Character

Channel Five
by Planetblue

Fresh 'n' Dirty
Best Original Premise

Good in the Stacks
by TheFicChick

Hottest Lemon

Channel Five
by Planetblue

The 'Beg For It' Award
Story we'd like extended

Channel Five
by Planetblue

Host’s Choice

Remember This
by justbri

Host’s Choice

Power Tools and Pearls
by cosmogirl7481

Secret Keeper’s Choice

by LayAtHomeMom

Judge’s Choice

Good in the Stacks
by TheFicChick

Judge’s Choice

Channel Five
by Planetblue

Judge’s Choice

Good in the Stacks
by TheFicChick

Judge’s Choice
Jiff Simpson

Tie: Power Tools and Pearls by cosmogirl7481 and 
Channel Five by Planetblue

Judge’s Choice

Good in the Stacks
by TheFicChick

The Dirty Five
Popular Vote

Blurred Lines by Twilightladies and SparklyMeg

Channel Five by Planetblue

Good in the Stacks by TheFicChick

The Periodic Table by LivieLiv79

Tartarus by Marie0912

The Full List

"Aliases and Avatars" by xXTailoredDreamsXx

"Barred" by Bee1982

"Blurred Lines" collaboration by Twilightladies and SparklyMeg

"Capital Gains" collaboration by GeekChic12 and lellabeth

"Channel Five" by Planetblue

"Daydreams" by schokischlecki

"Dexterous Digits" by femme-mal

"Don't mess with the shoes" by Deebelle1

"Dream or reality?" by Cecilia Melton

"Edward's Dior to Homme" by EdwardsGirl2007

"Felt" by LayAtHomeMom

"Gimme a ride" by twilogWhitley

"Give it to me" by amandac3

"Good in the Stacks" by TheFicChick

"Hard as a rock" by Lovepotionsbrewer

"High School Reunion" by Loopylou992

"I Got You" by GeekChic12

"I Wanna Be Bad" by RobzBeanie

"It only took five" by rubyblue9696

"Just enough" by miairii

"Liberation" by capricapra

"Piano Man" by Kitchmill

"Power Tools and Pearls" by cosmogirl7481

"Professional Development" by RedKat1976

"Pulled Over" by Edward’s Eternal

"Remember This" by justbri

"Ruined" by QuinnLark

"Slide" by MissJanuary

"Spring Fever" by Happiibubblez

"Stockholm Syndrome" by MSquared

"Talk Dirty to Me" by CarolinaCullen2012

"Tartarus" by Marie0912

"Tequila Brave" by Lellabeth

"The Dress" by Redtini

"The Periodic Table" by LivieLiv79

"Ultimate Fantasy" by Sheviking

"Who Says?" by GemmaH

"You Can't Judge a Book By Its Cover" by eternallyedward

"You Got A Way With Words" by Ruffluv

"You have the right to remain dirty" collaboration by FicYou and Maplestyle

Sunday, 18 August 2013

From the hosts

We acknowledge that there has been controversy regarding our contest. As to what is behind this, we don't know. We have no idea who would want to sabotage the hard work of the two hosts, the secret keeper, five judges, four validators, two graphic artists, forty one entrants, the countless betas, numerous pre-readers, and the scores and scores of loyal followers of this contest.

We pride ourselves in acting fairly, and do so knowing our integrity is intact. While there has been speculation about a particular entry in our contest, we maintain our position - we do not disqualify based on speculation alone. 

In light of recent events, we accept that the public vote—for which we were going to award First and Second Place—has been compromised. We do not believe anybody should be disadvantaged, nor at this stage, disqualified. We've decided to change things up a little, with the purpose of keeping things as fair as possible.

We've made the choice to remove first and second place from the Public vote. We will now be awarding The Dirty Five, in no particular order. This will be the top five placed in the public vote. To place top five in a field of forty is an exceptional effort. We believe this should be rewarded.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Closing date extended!

Dying to enter but don't think you have enough time to write?

We want your the closing date has been lengthened. I mean extended. I mean pushed...

We will begin accepting submissions June 24, 2013. Submissions will close at 11:59pm (EST) on August 12, 2013.

Popular Voting from August 13 2013 to 27 August 2013.

Winners announced on twitter (date TBC).

So what are you waiting for? Give it to us...

Monday, 3 June 2013

Do you like it when Edward talks dirty?

So do we! So much so, that we decided to dedicate an entire contest to our favourite fictional man, telling us just how he likes it.

Follow us on twitter and tumblr for inspiration...

MagTwi78 & Nicffwhisperer